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2014 Mission to Baku

2014 Mission to Baku

"It was an excellent chance to meet with language schools and discuss the partnership and available courses one by one. It is a great idea of QE and QEd to have this opportunity for agents and institutions. Well done and good luck in future."

Anar Seyfaddin, Azeri Student

Educators and Agents were in Baku for our first mission to Azerbaijan on 3rd April 2014.  We invited agents to the one day workshop where they met the school directors, the decision-makers, in a small, bespoke workshop.  

Agents had a schedule of pre-booked face-to-face meetings with the educators and were invited to join us for lunch which is followed by the Quality English and Quality Education presentation plus presentations from the mission sponsors.  Educators and agents were kindly invited to join us at the end of the day for an informal champagne drinks reception.

This workshop was sponsored by Languages International, New Zealand and The Wimbledon School of English, UK and supported by The British Council, who kindly gave a market presentation to the QE and QEd Educators.   


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